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eHealth Services and Applications
eHealth is an emerging field in the intersection of medical informatics, public health and business, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies.
It is a commitment for networked, global thinking, to improve health care locally, regionally, and worldwide by using information and communication technology.
eHealth encompass a range of services or systems such as:
• Electronic health records: enables the communication of patient data between different healthcare professionals (Primary Care providers-PCP, specialists and other providers.
• ePrescribing: access to prescribing options, printing prescriptions to patients and sometimes electronic transmission of prescriptions from doctors to pharmacists.
• Telemedicine: medical and psychological treatments at a distance.
• Consumer health informatics: use of electronic resources on medical topics by healthy individuals or patients.
• Healthcare Information Systems: also often refer to software solutions for more efficient and effective process for appointment scheduling, patient data management, work schedule management and other administrative tasks.
mHealth Services and Applications
mHealth is an abbreviation for mobile health, a term used for the practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices.
mHealth applications include the use of mobile devices in collecting community and clinical health data, delivery of healthcare information to practitioners, researchers, and patients, real-time monitoring of patient vital signs, and direct provision of care (via mobile telemedicine).
mHealth certainly has application for industrialized nations; the field has emerged in recent years as largely an application for developing countries, stemming from the rapid rise of mobile phone penetration in low-income nations.
mHealth has emerged as a means of providing greater access to larger segments of a population in developing countries, as well as improving the capacity of health systems in such countries to provide quality healthcare.
Within the mHealth space, projects operate with a variety of objectives, including increased access to healthcare and health-related information (particularly for hard-to-reach populations); improved ability to diagnose and track diseases; timelier, more actionable public health information; and expanded access to ongoing medical education and training for health workers.
WeHealth Services and Applications
WeHealth (Women-eHealth)
Women, Health and Technology.
Health Technology plays a critical role in the improving health status of WOMEN.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reports on the impact of eHealth on women’s and children’s health in developing countries. This is a clear reflection that countries are recognizing the importance of innovation through Health Technology to improving women’s around the world.
It demonstrates how, every day, WeHealth is saving the lives of women, their babies and infants in the some of the most vulnerable populations around the world, in a wide variety of innovative ways.
• It will provide technical assistance in evaluating, developing and implementing health related projects with the use of Health technology – eHealth, mHealth, Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and social media.
Healthcare films and video productions offer an effective mean for communicating different messages to targeted healthcare audiences.
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